Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) is no longer the preserve of the most wealthy, with prices falling dramatically over the last decade. Whether you want to secure your premises or perhaps enable monitoring of areas to enhance customer satisfaction, Spider Technologies Limited can help you chose the right camera for the job.
Whether using IP cameras, which can utilise existing network infrastructure, or analague cameras with their own cables we can install and configure to ensure you make the most from your investment. With ever increasing resolutions near broadcast quality systems are easily in reach of most customers.
For an on-site demonstration of the latest technologies please call to arrange a visit.
Automatic Number Plate Recognition, or ANPR as it is commonly referred to, takes the CCTV camera to the next level by adding a level of automation/artificial intelligence to allow car registration plates to be deciphered on the fly. Once recognised these details can be either logged or even actioned to perform tasks such as opening barriers.
This exciting and cutting-edge technology can not only improve security but also offer a level of automation to enhance existing access control systems.