Staff within Spider Technologies Limited have been involved with projects ranging from connecting two PCs together right upto connecting over 400 PCs together. If you simply want to connect a couple of PCs at home or in your office then we have stocks of cable, trunking, faceplates and all the associated items to ensure you get it right first time. If you have more PCs in your organisation then you may want a site visit where we can suggest the most effective way of networking them and offer a competitive quotation for you.
Using industry standard practices, and industry leading products you can be sure that the networking infrastructure provided will provide many years of trouble free service. For more information either use the contact form on the website or call us, we will discuss matters at levels appropriate to your knowledge and help you make the right choices.
The advent of the internet has lead to the proliferation of wireless networking devices often offered as part of broadband contracts to homes and businesses. Whilst security is nowadays configured as standard the use of the wireless feature may not always be the best option, due to factors like technologies being used for example.
With experience in wireless technology ranging from laptops within a residential environment to point-to-point links connecting buildings you can be assured that when you use Spider Technologies Limited you will be accessing many years experience.
To discuss matters further please call or visit our contact page.
With traditional wired networks having limitations over distances and susceptibility to external influences when being used externally fibre optics can still be the best option. Custom made fibre optic cables on-site can often produce the neatest results however pre-terminated cables can also be supplied ready for installation.